
Dear Christina,


                   Whenever I write you a letter, it always upsets me because no matter how much time and effort I spend writing the letter, it never even shows a fraction of how much I love you. I could sit at this computer and type for years and it will never even amount to a portion of how much I love you and how much I care for you. The only way I can put it into words is by saying we are like two puzzle pieces or were like a painting, on our own we are nothing important, But like a painting that brings together a beautiful sunset and animals together are amazing. On my own, I wouldn't be anything it's only because I have you that I can fully live up to what I was meant to be. It's like a pound dripping water into a rock. At first, there is no difference and it stays the same but after days and years, there starts to be a crack and a dip. The water starts to mold the rock into what it wants it to be and what I need it to be for them to fit together perfectly, and like that rock and Water you change me and mold me in ways I never would have changed on my own. You've changed me into a better person, a better fighter, a better student, and a better boyfriend, in ways I would have never been able to do on my own. We need each other because of the ways we change each other. I need you because without you id be an asshole id be so much less caring and understanding, literally every bit of me that's nice and sweet was from you. I never really realized how much I needed you till that day we didn't talk, I sat there and every video I took or everything interesting I said I typed up and got ready to send to you, every cool thing we did that I took a picture of or video I got it ready and was gonna send it to you. It's days like that, which we hate but honestly makes me realize how much of you I take for granted, Christina I am so happy and thankful I have you to talk to every day, that I have you and can call you whenever I need to get something off my chest or whenever I am proud of something, Thank you so much for being the person that laughs at all my shitty jokes and acts like all my weird hobbies are cool asf. Thank you Christina for being the person who sticks with me through everything no matter how hard it is and always being there for me when indeed it the most. I love you so much Christina, I can't wait to spend many more years with you.



